DBT- What is it?

DBT stands for Dialectic Behavioural Therapy and is essentially a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy originally developed for people with Borderline Personality Disorder.

It is now recognised as an evidence-based treatment for anyone with difficultly in regulating their emotions and because of this experiences difficulties in relationships, impulsivity, self-damaging behaviours or are mood dependent.

The term “dialectical” comes from the idea that integrating two opposites -- acceptance and change, will generate better results than either one alone.

The main goals in DBT are to teach people how to live peacefully in the moment, develop healthy coping strategies to deal with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve relationships with others.

At RenewMe Therapy in Sydney, we offer individual DBT informed sessions as well as a DBT Informed Skills Group.

What is the DBT Informed Skills Group?

The DBT Informed Skills Group offered is an adaption of the DBT Skills Training, that was developed by Marsha Linehan. The Group is about learning new skills to use in everyday life, not a group to process feelings.  It runs for 10 weeks, integrating skills from  4 key modules. The aim of the 10 weeks is to focus on key skills and techniques for each module to assist group members to develop emotional awareness, as well as more adaptive coping skills.

Individuals from 18 years old are eligible to be considered for the program.

There are four main groups of skills taught in DBT:

  • Mindfulness – Learn how to be more aware of emotions and reactions in situations so that you can make effective choices for building the life you want to live

  • Distress Tolerance – Develop a range of strategies for coping with strong emotions, urges and distress.

  • Emotion Regulation – Understand the emotions you experience on a day-to-day basis, how to reduce your vulnerability to being overwhelmed by emotions, increase positive emotions and change emotions that you want to change

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness – Learn how to manage relationships in positive ways that can increase your ability to get your needs met while maintaining healthy relationships.

It is highly recommended that you see an individual DBT Therapist (although is not essential) to help integrate these skills into your life and address any personal and therapeutic challenges.

If this sounds like something for you or to see if DBT is the right fit, Contact us at RenewMe Therapy by email info@renewmetherapy or phone 0456 748 507.



Author: Kate Zughbi, Principal Therapist

RenewMe Therapy


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